
It Isn’t Wise to Tame the Waters

It seems that almost no area of land has been left terra incognita by human interference. Every rock and plant has fallen prey to being scaled and listed for all the wrong reasons— to occupy or replace. The overwhelming draw…

Gul-e-Lala: Exploring Love and Romance, Mohsin Shafi at 1646

Artistic creation has always been recognised as a process capable not only of transmitting emotions, messages, and values but also for promoting the maturation of critical thought in those who participate in the production1. In Europe, this awareness reaches full…

Spatial Memories: Narratives of Cultural History in Afrasian Hybridity

The growth of inter-cultural encounters in the Africa-Asia region of the world have instigated the creation of socially, politically, and ethnographically diverse spaces. The waters of the Indian Ocean, carrying remnants of the coast of Africa and the Middle East…

In Our Utopias We Unite as One

Residencies have taken on a variety of forms; from retreats to exchanges, and from site-specific to those which are studio-based, workshop-oriented and community-based efforts. Inclusive of formats which focus on production and training, with initiatives focused on a group or…

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